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Walworth County Land Use Offers Workshop

April 12, 2024

On April 3, 2024 the Walworth County Land Use and Resource Management staff hosted an informational workshop for local REALTORS®. We were grateful for the time and resources they shared with the thirty members that made time to attend.

Rick Dorgay, Senior Sanitation Officer shared detailed information about well and septic systems, sharing differences between conventional and mound systems, how inspections work and more. Lindsey Smith, also from this department also shared valuable answers to frequently asked questions regarding soil tests, holding tanks, and expected timelines.

Terry Freeman, Code Enforcement Officer for Short Term Rentals explained the County’s ordinances for those unincorporated townships under their jurisdiction. He explained the state’s requirement for a rooming house license, which requires a DATCP inspection prior to County approval, and cited issues that have arisen around the County with the increase in short term rentals.

Brian Smetana, Senior Rural Technician provided an overview of several Wisconsin conservation programs including the Conservation Reserve Program and the Farmland Preservation Tax Credit. He explained that USDA contracts are with the current owner and do not transfer, and that potential buyers and sellers need to be aware of contract terms. He is extremely knowledgeable and open to direct contact for any questions.

Dale Drayna, GIS Systems Supervisor demonstrated the many features and tools available in the county GIS mapping system. Attendee Lynn Landgraf complimented the County on the ease of use and excellent information provided by this system vs. other municipalities. Many agreed and some learned new tips about how the various layers of the map works.

Kate Hastings, Senior Planner provided detailed information on zoning and conditional uses. She often referenced the 2050 Land Use Comprehensive Plan, which is the guide in long term planning. This layer of the mapping system is a very useful tool she references daily.

Allison Masek, Water Regulation/Zoning Specialist with the Wisconsin DNR provided information about piers and the extensive resources available.

The event closed with Nick Sigmund, Senior Zoning Officer who is always available to answer questions about zoning.

All of the staff were extremely accommodating and invited REALTORS® to contact them personally any time with specific questions. We are grateful for all of the resources provided and hope to partner with the staff again on future events. The great news is, even if you missed this event, they have generously shared all of their presentation resources online for you! Find it HERE.


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